Children’s Sunday School
Ages 3-11
Sunday mornings at 9am, our children meet for a time of singing together, learning scripture, and exploring God’s word through a Bible lesson taught in a way that every child can participate and learn.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month, the children meet in the Children’s Worship Center for children’s church during the 10:00 service.
Contact: Nicole Stutzman

Infant – 2 years old
Our nursery provides a safe, welcoming environment during the 10:00 worship service for infants to two years of age. The children enjoy play time and are cared for by nurturing and caring volunteers.
Contact: Brittany Eash

Youth/Jr Youth
Wednesday nights at 7pm and at 9am Sundays our youth gather for a short teaching, prayer, and interaction. In addition, we organize fun social events, service projects, and mission trips for our youth.
Contact: Daryl and Keely Bontrager
Contact: Jake and Wanita Nisley

Coffee Grounds
Adult Seniors
The Coffee Grounds gather every other Wednesday to share a noon meal and to pray for the church and other concerns. The seniors group provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction.
Contact: Vern Hostetler

Women’s Ministry
Are you looking for a place to connect with other women and grow spiritually? The Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women to connect with others through ladies events through out the year and also an annual women’s retreat.
Contact: Joann Stutzman

Men’s Ministry
It can be hard in today’s society to be the kind of man God intends for you, but we will walk with you. The Men’s Ministry groups are designed to encourage and support men to grow in relationship with Christ and each other.
Contact: Daryl Bontrager

Adult Sunday School
Classes include meaningful discussions, interaction with others, and practical application of Scripture with a variety of topics including verse by verse study. Classes begin at 9am and often organized by age.
Contact: Sue Hooley

Small Groups
Small groups provide an opportunity to build friendships, grow in faith together through group Bible study and prayer. Small groups of eight to twelve people meet during the week in group member’s homes.
Contacts: Ben Snyder, Associate Pastor

Siloam is thrilled to be part of the spread of His kingdom in our own communities and around the world. All are encouraged to respond to God’s call for laborers, and to provide support for those serving in missions.
Contact: Cindy Eash

Inner Healing
This ministry addresses the Christ follower who asks, “If I’m saved, why do I still hurt from my past?” We desire for all to know the deep-heart healing power of the Spirit of God. He is the answer (Isaiah 61), and He is still healing people today.
Contact: Pastor Vern Hostetler

LFM walks along side those struggling with spiritual battles and needing spiritual support and direction by teaching Christian truth, helping people to freedom, healing, joy, and victory by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Contact: Ben Snyder, Director